Lingoblog is a platform that provides fun, knowledge, and informed opinions on language and linguistics (the science of language) to all with a passion for languages. Lingoblog was founded i 2017-2018 by Peter Bakker, who came up with the blog, and Kristoffer Friis Bøegh who is the webmaster behind this page.
According to Ethnologue and Glottolog, there are more than 7,000 known languages in the world – and there are almost as many ways to study them.
Linguists explore linguistic phenomena from a variety of perspectives and using different tools and methodological approaches, which is something the contents of the blog also reflect.
Lingoblog.dk is multilingual. Based in Denmark, most contributions are in Danish, and many also in English. Selected contributions are available in other languages. Click on the language button on the front to see what posts you can read in Danish, English, German, Dutch, and (soon) Faroese. In the long term, more languages will be added – if you have suggestions on which languages to include, we would love to hear from you.
Lingoblog also presents book reviews. Publishers can send (academic and popularizing) books, and relevant novels, to Lingoblog, Linguistics / LICS, Aarhus University, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 2, 8000 Aarhus C, and we will try to find a competent reviewer.
Language is a topic most people have an opinion about. Many people express concerns about language changes. Others think it is bad to be multilingual – unless it is in prestigious languages. Some people think that sign language is the spoken language with the hands and that sign language is international (assumptions that contradict each other!). People hold many misconceptions about language. Based on scientific studies, Lingoblog regularly publishes blogs on, among other things, linguistc myths.
The blog is organized and edited by lecturers PhD students and MA students from Linguistics, Cognitive Semiotics, Cognitive Science and Scandinavian Studies at Aarhus University, and the content of the blog will therefore often be rooted in their research and interests, and in the local study environment. However, the contributions are not only written staff, students and research groups affiliated with the university. To a large extent external writers in Denmark, Europe and other continents, contribute to the blog.
At Aarhus University, researchers and students work not only with Danish, but also with languages from Africa, North and South America, Asia, Australia and Europe, with sign languages and with languages as a phenomenon in general. They research in all languages throughout the lifespan: From children’s first linguistic signs to conversational grammar in retirement homes. In addition, educational, experimental and computational language studies are being worked on.
The editorial team currently consists of chief editor Mette-Marie Møller Svendsen (lexicographer, MA), editors/contributors Kirstine Boas (PhD student), Jonathan Mastai Husum (PhD student), Karen Schriver (PhD student), Kristoffer Friis Bøegh (Researcher, PhD), and co-ordinator Peter Bakker (Associate Professor, PhD). Maja Demetry Thomasen Holm is our editorial assistant.
The poster at the top of the page was designed by Ehm Hjort-Nebel Miltersen.
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