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It’s Chistmas-time again – and what would this time of year be without Christmas music? A lot of us start counting the days ’till Christmas from the moment “Last Christmas” surprises us in a shopping center sometime around November 20th. With the ongoing corona pandemic, the Danish Health Authorities recommend that people don’t sing on Christmas Eve as is otherwise customary – a recommendation that has received continuing media coverage since the end of November. In other words: We can’t get enough of Christmas songs!

Or maybe Christmas music just isn’t your thing. Is it really possible to listen to ”All I Want for Christmas is You” throughout December without losing your mind, you might be thinking. I …

Revolution in Yiddish teaching: The New Yiddish Textbook In eynem

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It was nothing less than a revolution that hit the world of Yiddish teaching this summer, when the multimedia Yiddish textbook In eynem (White Goat Press, 2020) was published. For many years, Yiddish students have been studying the language with Uriel Weinreich’s College Yiddish from 1949, or with Selva Zucker’s Yiddish: An Introduction to the Language, Literature and Culture from 1995.

Now, Yiddish students and teachers have a more up-to-date alternative. In eynem is a monumental textbook, counting 800 pages (split up in two volumes), with beautifully illustrated dialogues, word explanations, exercises and texts about Jewish culture. It features a goldmine of material for the first two years of Yiddish studies. A dedicated website offers even more teaching material, e.g. …

The mobile phone effect in linguistics

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Today, most Europeans own a mobile phone and communicate over vast geographical distances. In his Telsure project, Labov showed how useful this fact is for sociolinguistic data gathering, when he used landline telephones to collect his speech samples. But, it was not addressed how the telephone transmission could affect speech.  This has been investigated especially in forensic phonetics and this has been coined the telephone effect. The telephone effect might ring a bell for most linguists and to some even its acoustic implications are not unfamiliar. However, technology has evolved, and landline telephones have been replaced by digital, non-physically connected mobile phones. So, can we then assume that the mobile phone effect has the same implications for speech as …

Does he say he twice as often as she? Women, men and language

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Hvem sa hva? Kvinner, menn og språk” (English translation of the title: ”Who said what? Women, men and language”) by Helene Uri was published in Norway in 2018 and won the prestigious Brage Prize the same year. The book is about gender differences in language and language use, but it is just as much about the differential treatment and outright discrimination of primarily women, which most of the gender differences are a result of. The book is a mixed bag of observations, but still represents one of the best Scandinavian books on the topic.

Helene Uri (b. 1964) is a Norwegian linguist and author. In her 2008 novel “De besste blant os” (English translation of the …

The first ever Twitter-conference on linguistics is taking place this Saturday!


Would you like to go to a free, online linguistics conference this Saturday? Well, good news:

On Saturday, December 5th, you can follow the presentations of the first ever Twitter-conference on linguistics, Linguistweets! The concept is very simple: Research presentations will be delivered via a series of no more than 6 tweets, presented during a 15 min time slot, under the hashtag #linguistweets. All you have to do is search for the hashtag on Twitter, and you’re good to go! You can find the full conference program her.

The organizers of the event is the Brazilian Linguistics Association (Abralin). On the conference website, the organizers write:

”Besides removing the hassle of travelling, especially during the pandemic, Twitter

A dybtgoing study af nisse-engelsk

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Fra today, you can gense ‘The Julekalender’ on TV2 Charlie! So we bringer an indlæg about the nissers fictive sprog, which is a blanding of engelsk and Danish!

Margaret J. Blake skrev en article i 2007 om nisse-engelsk, som never blev publiceret. She kaldte her study, which she skrev in English, Just what I skut til to say! A description and analysis of NisseEngelsk, a Danish-English Mixed Language. Det er et meget scholarly værk, which toke her three kvart year to skrive.

She læste ikke mindre end sixty articles and bøgs. Manuskriptet is on 125 sider. Og de whole teksts of the three speakers Hansi, Gynter og Frits er analyseret. Optagelserne er from 1991, og of good kvalitet. …

Deborah Cameron on the impact of feminist linguistic research

Deborah Cameron has studied language and gender for around 40 years. She has written numerous books on this topic, including The Myth of Mars and Venus (2007) and Language and Sexuality (2003). She is currently a Rupert Murdoch professor of Language and Communication at Worchester College, Oxford University. Apart from her academic work, she also engages in public communication about linguistic research and feminism. sent me out as their reporter to ask Deborah about her work, her thoughts about political science, and the impact of linguistic, feminist research. Hopefully her reflections can inspire our readers and provide new perspectives on how and why we do research.

Can you tell me something about how and why you engage in popularised