Conlang-week in Aarhus

Increasing numbers of films and television series incorporate fictional languages to create authentic fantasy settings. But who makes these languages? Meet two language creators and hear about their work. There will be a workshop and two talks at Aarhus University. The events are free, and everyone is welcome, students and non-students alike!

800px David j peterson 2019 06 03
David Peterson

Wednesday 14th september, 4-6 pm, 1441-112

SOLIA-workshop with David J. Peterson and Jessie Sams: “From beginning to translation – a historical approach”

Thursday 15th september, 4-8 pm, 1482-105 (Nobel auditorium)

Talk by David J. Peterson & Jessie Sams

ViGør: Friday 16th september, 2-4 pm, 1481-264

Talk by David J. Peterson & Jessie Sams


Read more about David J. Peterson (in Danish) here: Skaberen af Dothraki fra Game of Thrones besøger Aarhus Universitet


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